Sunday, October 9, 2011

CX Nation Clinics - Part 2

And while the first clinic brought medium response, the second clinic at GGP brought a full house.  The hardest thing about having a business has to be turning people away. But that is exactly what I had to do because I want people to get some sort of personal experience.  If there is only one of me and 20 students, well then that is not fair to them.  So I try and limit the number of students in any clinic to 12.  I managed to break that rule right away with this clinic and took on 14.

It was a great group.  We had a range of skill levels and ages.  Old and young, master's and juniors.  It was great to see.  No Outer Lands this time too.  I set up the EZ-UP where I wanted to this time.  Coffee again was provided by Taylor Maid Farms and croissants by La Boulange of Mill Valley.  It is the best way to start any clinic or class.  I know if I have food and drink in my stomach I can sit through any boring class, which this was not.

This day was going to be exciting though.  No sleeping here.  Everybody made it through the class with minimum damage.  It is amazing how we cyclists crash on our bikes.  We get all twisted and rolled into a ball - chainring marks on our shoulders, fingers into the wheels etc...  Lucky for us we were on grass.  Hurts a lot less.
A cross skill all should have - picking up money from a PBR can.

After 3 hours of bedlam I bide the attendees "Adieu" and we all headed our separate ways...or so I thought.  I received an email on Monday from Dante, an student in the class and manager of the Rapha store in San Francisco.  Rapha is an English company (from England, duh) who specializes in all things cool for cycling.  Their clothing is very clean and sexy, plus they sponsor a cyclocross team in the States.  How awesome is that.  Well, he wanted to do a clinic out of the shop and pay me to teach it.  Ummmm, let me think about it - yeah!  I had wanted to check out the shop in the City, but I thought I missed the boat because it was originally set up as a temporary concept store during the TdF.  The "temporary" turned to "permanent" when the store did so well.

So I cruised down to the store on 9/11 and was even more excited to see that they had a coffee bar in the store and two flat screen tv's showing the Vuelta. Does this store get any cooler?  I met the group and we rode out through the Presidio and over the GGP.  Another great clinic occurred and the best part is I met 12 more people who are psyched to race their cross bikes.  I hope to see these people out on the courses during the season.

The Rapha Store in San Francisco

What's for dinner? ....Uh...cycling.

Barrier training with Cross Propz

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